phases in shades of pink...

Life is complicated. It not only comes in various colors but in various shades of each color. Black and white appear at opposite extremes of the spectrum and in between are all the different shades of colors. Thus, hot pink would be funky, lively and energetic while a rose white would symbolize a more serene, peaceful and pure environment. My life therefore, is colored in shades of pink.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

The War of the Documentaries

Here is some information that i've taken from various newspaper articles, relating to Wilson's new documentary:

Despite its vitriolic title, the documentary "Michael Moore Hates America" deals more with confusion than anger.

Minnesota filmmaker Mike Wilson set out to expose problems with the controversial Moore's methods in such movies as "Fahrenheit 9/11" and "Bowling for Columbine." Wilson makes it clear that he doesn't share Moore's political beliefs, but the film isn't about ideology as much as accountability. The theme is: How does he get away with it?

Wilson's film points out inconsistencies, leaps of logic and omissions from Moore's film. He initiated "MMHA" because he was distressed by Moore's filmmaking techniques and hoped to confront him about them in the same way Moore confronted General Motors executive Roger Smith in his own "Roger and Me." But Moore, like Smith, declined. Repeatedly.

Even without Moore, "MMHA" has become a phenomenon, talked about in news outlets as far afield as Japan and Argentina and with more than 6 million hits to its Web site, Wilson has been doing interviews for "MMHA" since news of the film broke in June — "300 or so, if you count radio" — and he's grateful it's finally finished so he can stop talking about what it isn't and start talking about what it is.

"I wanted to make a good flick, first of all," Wilson says. "People assume I'm just a Moore-bashing conservative, which isn't true. And they assume that the movie is out to rebut 'Fahrenheit 9/11' (Moore's controversial, anti-Bush documentary), which also isn't true. It's a fun, entertaining movie that also kind of makes fun of Michael Moore."

Well, that's what the papers say, but i suppose the real judge of it all will be you and i. I believe that there is going to be a significant impact caused by the release of MMHA, and i can only see this getting more and more interesting. So brace yourselves and prepare for what i think is about to come: The War of the Documentaries...

Note: Do you think that the outcomes of this 'war' might have an impact on the coming elections?


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