phases in shades of pink...

Life is complicated. It not only comes in various colors but in various shades of each color. Black and white appear at opposite extremes of the spectrum and in between are all the different shades of colors. Thus, hot pink would be funky, lively and energetic while a rose white would symbolize a more serene, peaceful and pure environment. My life therefore, is colored in shades of pink.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Graffiti vs. Wall Art

What is the difference between graffiti and wall art?

This question crossed my mind today when i was in class so i decided to put it up here, and whoever has any thoughts about it can respond. Another thing to think about is, who defines what both of these are? Maybe to the 'artist', it is art, but society might consider it graffiti, so who is right? How do we differentiate both of these? Is it possible?

Your thoughts please...


At 12:43 PM, Blogger Captain Haddock said...

Art is subjective. It has become even more subjective over time with the emergence of modern art, a branch of art that focuses more on the expression of thoughts, ideas and emotions behind a work of 'art'.

These days, almost anything can be classified as art. I could throw half-filled glasses of paint in different shades of grey as hard as i could towards a canvas wall, resulting in a splotched mess of grey shades and broken glass on the floor.

And i could say that this expression reflects my bitterness and anger at people who always tell me that the glass is half-full instead of half-empty, when in fact the world in all it's hypocrisy and lies (shades of gray instead of black and white), will always ensure that the average person never gets to view the glass as half-full because the power-brokers who can afford to view the world in coloured paint will suck me dry. Or some crap like that....

But i swear that if i looked like an artist and my painting was in a liberal art gallery in Sydney or London, I would have fans. Art has become the art of justifying, instead of creating and reflecting the world around us.

Graffiti, wall art, which is art? Who knows, I guess it might depend on how drunk you are. I do know one way to differentiate though. Graffiti is often unsanctioned art, while wall art is usually commissioned. But then again, that boils down to perception as well, and whether you decide if the glass is half-empty or half-full.

At 4:26 AM, Blogger daenielle said...

I suppose as long as it depends on perception, which it does, we’re not gonna get an answer are we...there would be no answer. So it depends on one’s own opinion.

I would say a glass that’s half-full, and wall art as opposed to a half-empty glass and graffiti, simply because i feel a responsibility to show some optimism, coming from the angle of shades of pink. I’ll leave the shades of gray to someone else who feels willing to bear that responsibility.

Thanks for your thoughts Arvind. To the rest of you, i’m waiting to hear your opinions on this one.

At 4:51 AM, Blogger daenielle said...

Oh, by the way, some of the wall art in Rome is really remarkable-definately worth checking out. The indoor ones are beyond comparison, leaving you astonished and simply speechless. But i would especially like to credit some of the artists who leave their masterpieces along the side of the highways. I did enjoy feasting my eyes on those works of art as i drove by.


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