phases in shades of pink...

Life is complicated. It not only comes in various colors but in various shades of each color. Black and white appear at opposite extremes of the spectrum and in between are all the different shades of colors. Thus, hot pink would be funky, lively and energetic while a rose white would symbolize a more serene, peaceful and pure environment. My life therefore, is colored in shades of pink.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I'm Busy

I've been both busy and lazy but right now I'm busy, so I'm just gonna blog a short one. Here's some stuff I've been up to lately:

Cooking dinner.

Rock climbing. It was my first time and one of my friends works there, so he really taught me the ropes (no pun intended).

Playing pool and learning more rules about the game.

Working on some Goshen stuff.

Making cards for people.

Baking cookies.

Taking care of my neighbour's golden retreiver.

Waiting for emails from all those who said they would email.

Talking to my best friend after so long.

Going for psychology experiments at Stanford...both interesting and fun.

Preparing for the BBQ tonight.

Going to LA this weekend.

The list goes on but I'll stop now. I've gotta go to work now. Later!


At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats lazy with a capital L+A+Z+Y! hehe. Kidding.So when you gonna cook dinner for me? :p

At 4:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its amazing how you can actually fit all those interesting things that you do into your busy schedule..your trip to the foggy beach sounded awesome & interesting..take care dearrie

Sara (saravanan)


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