phases in shades of pink...

Life is complicated. It not only comes in various colors but in various shades of each color. Black and white appear at opposite extremes of the spectrum and in between are all the different shades of colors. Thus, hot pink would be funky, lively and energetic while a rose white would symbolize a more serene, peaceful and pure environment. My life therefore, is colored in shades of pink.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Touched by Angels

"Dearest Daenielle,

By this time I hope you're feeling better. If you ever need to someone to vent your thoughts to, I'm always ready to listen. May I ask why it is that your heart is not where you are? Bring your heart with you and let the people around know the true Daenielle that all your friends love and always remember. Know that each time your friends read your blog we hope you are well and happy, "flying like a kite without a string" and having beauty that "stings like a bee"! (Do you remember? Bride & Prejudice.)"

Thank you friend! You made my day. I really appreciate the email and how you have always been there to show me the brighter side of things. Thank you.

This is from my youngest brother. I don't know why, but I find it so hilarious. He sent me a really short email:

"Ih, says stitch N have a good time at work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YONE.............YONE I THINK I M GOiNg TO


I think the YONE is supposed to be a yawn.

And here is another slightly longer email from him (I sent him and email and he sent me a four word email which consisted of a really long "hhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" and an "I miss you", so I told him to email longer and this is what he sent me):

"hi hi ok , sonia and elle r ok callie eoudia and melinda miss u........... i miss u 2 and im being very good at home not like isaak (my other brother).............................. hahaha well schools fine im doing well in school my stay at aunty wendys house waz good becauz they had a dalmation dog.......... test r around the corner soooo i had better start studying well gtg luv ya see ya"

I really like the "i had better start studying" part. Since when does an 11 year old kid declare that he needs to go study? Hehe... Oh, and looks like I gotta teach him some punctuation, huh? But these emails really did cheer me up today. I miss this kiddo.


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