phases in shades of pink...

Life is complicated. It not only comes in various colors but in various shades of each color. Black and white appear at opposite extremes of the spectrum and in between are all the different shades of colors. Thus, hot pink would be funky, lively and energetic while a rose white would symbolize a more serene, peaceful and pure environment. My life therefore, is colored in shades of pink.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Another Dodgy Guy

Looks like where you are in the world really doesn't matter...there are dodgy guys everywhere.

I decided to go for a job around the housing area where I stay. I was taking a slow jog, drinking in the glorious surroundings of beautiful houses, trees, flowers and cars. I was peacefully jogging when I saw someone cycle by. The peculiar thing is, he didn't just keep going. He looked at me, slowed down, circled, then biked up next to me. I continued jogging, very much aware of but totally ignoring his presence.

Then he said hi.

I didn't want to be rude so I responded possibly coldly, but very politely with a "Hello." and a nod, then continued jogging. He didn't get it...or didn't want to get it. He stayed. So there I was, jogging with this guy cycling next to me. Then he started talking.

"So, are you studying at Stanford?"
"You're working then...?"

At this point in time I felt a bit bad. So I thought I would humor myself. (As if that's any better.)

"Are you in high school?"
"No. I'm actually just here for the summer."
"Oh ok. Do you go cycling at all?"
"So are you training for something?"
"No. I just run for fun."

It was getting really weird. But our conversation went on and he informed me that he's from Germany or something and that he cycles professionally. (Oh, yay! I've always wanted to meet a professional cycler...yeah right!-I'm mean). I kept jogging and he was right there...too bad the sidewalks are wide enough.

"So, do you live here?"
"Kind of."
"Near here?"
"Yeah, I stay with my brother and some of his friends."
"Oh. Are you from here?"
"No. I'm from Malaysia."

Ok, now the attention was focused on me too much. I learned something in Interpersonal Communication about the importance of both individuals revealing the same amount of information. So it was my turn to interrogate.

"Are you studying?"
"No, I'm actually working now."

Then he said something about doing pizza delivery on his bike or something like that.

"What sports do you do?"
"Mostly cycling, but I do run sometimes."

Of course, I should have known.

"What about you? What sports do you do?"
"Well, I do a little bit of a lot of things. I play a bit of badminton, some tennis, some squash, which is like raquetball; some football...uh, soccer, and I really like netball."
"Cool. We should play tennis some time"
" you know what netball is?"
"Uh, no. What is it?"

And I went on to explain what netball passion. It's rather confusing and I think that left him blinking. At this point in time, I really wanted to go home, and I needed to anyway cuz I had to tutor a girl. So I cycled onto my road and just then my brother pulled up. Good timing, brother!

"So, I gotta go now. My brother's back."

He put out his hand, so I shook it, firmly and politely. (He had such a strong grip. It was rather freaky...oh, and I think I failed to mention that he's really tall. I was happy to be home.)

"Will you give me your email address?"
"No. I guess I'll just see you around." (I hope not!)
"Oh, uh..."

I smiled, waved and walked over to where my brother parked along the street and I greeted him there. I didn't want this guy to know where I live, so I stood there talking to my brother for a while. As that guy biked off, he kept looking back. I just kept talking to my brother.

Today, I won't be jogging and tomorrow I go at a different time.

Note: I got the job at Stanford Dining and they actually want me to do office work instead of cashier work and that sort of stuff. Yay! I get to use my brain!


At 7:02 PM, Blogger ~La Libellule Rouge~ said...

Daenielle, you're a gorgeous girl and I hope you're prepared to have loads of men try to pick you up over there. Turn them down if your heart's not there but be nice. Enjoy the ride. :)

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Captain Haddock said...


Don't listen to such flippant advice. Men in the US are different from men over here. In KL, the criminal man is more easily identifiable because he most probably 'looks' it. You look at a guy and you KNOW he's dodgy, know what I mean?

But in the US, undesirable men take all forms and identities. It's interesting to note that serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy were good-looking, white Anglo-Saxon males with above average intelligence and charming personalities.

If you want to get to know guys, it's best to stick to guys within your educational institution or those introduced to you by a trusted friend, preferably another girl.

I think you're caution is justified. 'Enjoy the ride' seems to be more suited for girls who enjoy male attention and often, it's a different mindset.

But I do agree that being nice, but firm if you're not interested is the way to go.

Take care ya...

At 1:27 PM, Blogger daenielle said...

Thanks you guys. I will be cautious.


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